The tenth ordinary meeting of the senate, University of Ibadan Medical Students’ Association was held on the 15th of January, 2022.The meeting was held on zoom. An important highlight of the meeting was the dismissal of 2 senators from the UIMSA Senate.
According to the University of Ibadan Medical Students’ Association constitution “A senator shall lose his seat if; he is absent from three (3) meetings to which he was formally invited.” Mr Solomon Okpara of the 400 level constituency and Mr Oni Ayotunde of the 300 level constituency both lost their seats in the senate. They were both absent from three (3) senate meetings without due notification of the Senate leadership. In the wisdom of the Senate of the University of Ibadan Medical Students’ Association, they shall no longer be serving their respective classes in the capacity as Senators .They would no longer be eligible to contest for electoral positions in the future.
by Tejiri Napoleon