Nairobi men are being called upon to share in the burden of family planning by undergoing reversible vasectomy as a family planning method.
Vasectomy is a surgical procedure to close off sperm ducts.

Results from a 2018 qualitative study in Kenya suggest that scaling up vasectomy services could help the country build on decades of family planning progress and help achieve its family planning goals including increasing its modern contraceptive prevalence rate (mCPR) to 66% by the year 2030.
Statistics shows that 663 men underwent the procedure in 2018 and the number is growing. From January to June 2019 alone, 1,596 men have undergone vasectomy, a tremendous increase from 2018. Research has also shown that the new technology has now become reversible.
Kakamega county leads in the number of men who have undergone vasectomy, followed by Nakuru and Tharaka Nithi counties respectively.
Other counties in the top 10 include Nyamira, Uasin Gishu, Busia, Nairobi, Bungoma, Kwale and Siaya.