The meeting started at 8:17pm with about 33 congressmen and congresswomen on seat. Hon. Digwu moved the motion for the commencement of the meeting and it was seconded by Hon. Babalola.

The first agendum was the report on the activities of the Clinical Press, given by the editor-in-chief. After his presentation, a number of observations were made about the report document, the mannerism of the editor-in-chief and the state of the Press. The report was rejected, the editor-in-chief was referred to the disciplinary committee and a seven-man committee, headed by Hon. Obeya, was set up to look into the challenges faced by the UIMSA Press bodies.

Sequel to this, the report of the ad hoc disciplinary committee was given by the chairman of the committee, Hon. Oniyide. During the previous ordinary meeting of the Congress, the Congress Scribe and the Chief Whip (who by reason of office is the head of the Congress disciplinary committee) were referred to an ad hoc disciplinary committee set up in the same meeting.

The recommendations of the ad hoc committee were adopted. A letter of apology alongside a fine of two thousand naira was recommended for the Congress Scribe. It was recommended that the Chief Whip be removed. Hence, Hon. Offorburika lost her position that night. The secretary of the Congress disciplinary committee, Hon. Onyedike, was appointed as the acting Congress Chief Whip.

One of the issues that aggravated during the meeting that led to the referral of the Chief Whip to the ad hoc disciplinary committee was the attendance record, or lack of it, for the first ordinary meeting. After a back-and-forth on the existence of the attendance record, the entire Congress leadership was fined a sum of eight thousand naira, along with a letter of apology to be circulated amongst all constituencies of the Association.

A seven-man committee headed by Hon. Babalola was set up to review the SOD (Standing Orders) of the Congress.

The agenda for the meeting concluded, Hon. Obeya enquired about the Association’s intervention regarding members of the 2K18 class who were not allowed to take their professional examinations because they had not paid the professional levy. The Congress Chancellor asked if it had been discussed on the Senate floor and responses were in the affirmative. He then stated that that would be an agendum for another meeting.

The motion for the adjournment of the meeting was moved and the meeting ended by 11:50pm, with a total of 39 congressmen and congresswomen in attendance.

Prosper Igbozurike