Preclinical Press

Preclinical Press

UIMSA Preclinical Press


The Senate has called for Nigerians to express their views and opinions about the 1999 constitution. The review of the 1999 constitution has been an arising matter for a long time. There have been many criticisms of the deficits in it. Many complained that it started when it was foisted on us by the military. The Senate appealed to Nigerians to voice out the defects in the 1999 constitution in an announcement during its plenary activities. The zonal public hearing,…

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Categories Of TDB-ites

  In my opinion, TDBs are a great way to pass the time. Though it is ideally meant for reading till day-break, book was made for man and not the other way round, hence, the flat-out refusal of some people to kill themselves. However, the reverse is the case for others and this brings us to the first category; The Dedicated Bookworms  As the name suggests, these guys were made for books, studying and more studying. They are the ones…

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Lessons WhatsApp Taught Me

Pre-script (or whatever is the opposite of Post-Script): To be honest, it would be lovely to send this piece to my mom and dad, and yours too. The goal is for them to see that something good can come out of “pressing phone too much.” For the first time ever, I lost all my WhatsApp chats a few weeks ago. Being someone who has 80% of her social interactions on WhatsApp, it was a very harsh reality to accept. I’m…

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Staying happy in overwhelming climes

It is easy to get overwhelmed by the daily dose of bad news around us. There is UI doing its thing, Nigeria testing our endurance and the world just “turnioniown”—literally. There are also our personal struggles but we refuse to be depressed, right? Our eyes are fixed on maintaining happiness. Distractions may come, but no! We have got to remain focused on being happy (*inserts smug look.) These are some tips on how to stay happy even with the gloom…

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Stress Management

I don’t know about you but I can already the heat this semester. We have exams coming up (CAs as they call it, but we know they’re not), slides piling up, rushing on a whole new level, PSM on one side and GES 102 just doing its own. Asides from these, you have to keep up with your daily life activities and everything can seem overwhelming. It is a never-ending cycle of due assignments and stuffing tons of information into…

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I spotted him in the distance among the crowd. Elegant, bold and jovial. His frame hung in the right proportion. His gait was commanding and his confidence was as neat as his clothes. My Gosh! I could tell he was every lady’s heart desire. “ This Babe don foh!” my friends concluded as they saw my eyes tracking his movement like a magnetic radar. “Wait…” I tried to feign a solid stony countenance, “what?” They all stared at me, expectantly.…

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Fatal Familial Insomnia (FFI)

Inside the gloomy world of people who cannot sleep Not long ago, I came across a short story. Many of us will be familiar with the plot. A wealthy man, two wives, the usual rivalry, a promising first son, then the death of the first wife after several mysterious symptoms. After a few years, the first son developed the same symptoms. The doctors didn’t know what was wrong and he died a couple of years later. Accusations flew; the second…

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Israel-Palestine Conflict: What is going on?

The ongoing fracas between Israel and Palestine is one that has been continuous for generations. The issue loses media attention after every reported event of exchanged blows and attacks but it’s only a matter of time before it resurfaces again, turning it into a cycle. What could have made these two countries so unforgiving towards each other? Palestine, until its colonisation by Britain, used to allow massive immigration of Jews. In 1948, the Jews decided to establish a Jewish state…

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Books and Movies Reviews: Sci-Fi Genre

                               MOVIE REVIEWS TENET Christopher Nolan’s latest sci-fi spectacle, ‘Tenet’ is one that leaves you with the unshakable feeling that you walked into the screening 15 minutes late. A mysterious new technology poses a threat to all existence and there are rumours of the third war. But the kicker is that the technology hasn’t been invented yet, though the CIA has caught wind of it from the future. Tenet’s central idea is that it is possible for objects to move…

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Do you have a Colourist Mentality?

If you don’t know what colourism is, let me get you up to speed. Colourism in simple terms is the glorification of a certain skin colour over others. This can be done by members in and outside of the community where the skin colour is prevalent. This glorification sets standards for ideal beauty and socioeconomic opportunities in their society. From Harlequin to Mills&Boon to American romcoms, we’ve been consistently choked with a certain beauty standard, whether we realise it or…

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Second Floor, G Block,

Alexander Brown Hall,

University College Hospital,


Oyo State, Nigeria.

Tel:  +234 813 537 4183 | +234 817 946 0620


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